This is an Action  Hack & Slash game focusing on Dungeon Exploring, solving puzzles. It is made by a group of students at Carleton University as the final project of the course comp 1501, team members: 

1. Chris Wang is me!

2. Shenglong Yang:

3. Isaac Chen:

Player instruction: up, right, left, down keys to move, space key to attack/interact with the hidden doors, press Z to use the potions in your equipment slot (Note: your potion slot can only hold one potion at a time. Meaning that if you picked up a potion while you already have a potion in your slot, the new one will override the old one)

(Huge shout out to my teammates! Even though this game has not met our expectations yet, we indeed still dedicated hours to make it as it is now, and it would not be up there for people to play if anyone of us did not pull up their work & effort, I really appreciate having you guys as my teammates!)

The player will be playing as the character called Mr.B, who has been teleported to a mysterious dungeon by an unknown entity, Mr.B has to try his best to escape this dungeon by collecting runes from the boss and several chests. He has to clear a way out for himself, and it's not going to be easy...

There are a number of hidden doors scattered all over the dungeon, players will have to apply their skills to spotting odd things that do not fit the surroundings to actually spot the hidden door. Players will have to defeat the enemies and collect chests, to finally escape the dungeon because the player will be required to have a certain amount of runes to escape the dungeon and the player can only obtain runes from collecting chests and defeating mini-bosses! The player would want to collect as many chests as possible because the runes that the player needs to unlock certain areas/boss rooms/to escape the dungeon are hidden in some of the chests that are scattered all over the map, and the chest will also level up the heath stat or giving the player some unique potions that have different effects to increase the survivability of the player.

There are 2 ways of completing the game, one is to collect all 4 runes and unlock the Door to Victory(which the player will encounter when they are in the first room), and follow the route in the Door to Victory to escape the dungeon. Or the player can enter the forbidden door located on the left-hand side of the starting room  (which requires 4 runes to unlock) to challenge the final boss of the dungeon Overlord of the Dungeon, and the player would be able to escape the dungeon upon defeating the overlord.

Different types of potions: 

1. Red: Heath potions, restore or increase 2 points of health on use

2.  Yellow/Gold: Holy Bubble, making Mr.B invisible for a short period of time upon use

3. Purple: Increase Mr.B's movement speed for a short period of time

Different types of enemies:

1.  Slime: regular slime, will chase Mr.B upon detection, causing 1 point of damage per hit, it only has 1 point of health

2. Invisible Silme: a type of slime that has protective color to make itself invisible, usually hidden around the chests to ambush the player. Causing 1 point damage per hit, it only has 1 point of health

3. Stone Golem: the mini-boss on the map, has a lot more health than the slimes and has a faster attack speed, which means it has the potential to cause a huge amount of damage to the player. It drops one rune when defeated which could be used to unlock other areas/boss room, and needed for a certain amount to escape the dungeon.

4. The Overlord: basically a Stone Golem, but with a ton more health.

The assets we used: 

Mystic Wood downloadable assets: by Game Endeavor

Stone Golem NPC:

General Sound effects:

Player on hit/death sound effects:

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